1.1 The design is intentional creation.
1.2 Objects can be created intentionally.
1.3 Systems can be created intentionally.
1.4 Activities can be created intentionally.
1.5 Processes can be created intentionally.
1.6 Creation is the act of bringing something into existence.
2.1 Something is an indeterminate amount more than a specified number used in combination.
2.2 Combinations are the result or product of combining.
2.3 In order to combine something, a selection of two or more entities needs to be grouped together. Entities are independent, separated or self-contained. When two or more entities are grouped in a novel way these entities form a new thing eg something new
2.4 If the selection of entities occurs without purpose then the creation is unintentional. If the selection happens with purpose then the creation is intentional. Therefore design is the act of purposefully selecting and grouping entities together.
2.5 The act requires a conscious state of mind in which the act is done. If it is not a conscious state of mind then it can have no purpose and is therefore not a creation by design.
2.6 If the action is conscious and has a purpose the effort is directed towards an end. If an effort is directed towards an end, this end is the same as the goal of the effort and if the purpose is to achieve this goal then the goal is desired.
3.1 Planning is the process of thinking about activities required to achieve desired goals. Therefore design is the process of thinking about activities required to achieve desired goals.
3.2 In order to achieve the desired goal, one needs to carry out the planned activities. Something produced by or resulting from a procedure is known as the product.
4.1 In order to measure the success of the act of design, one needs to measure to what degree the desired goal is achieved. If the desired goal is achieved through the planned activities then the plan is good. If the desired goal is achieved in part by activities not planned then the plan is flawed. If the desired goal is not achieved at all, then the plan is bad.
4.2 However, the plan of activities is no measure of the quality of the product. If the product has intended use then it acts as a means to something else and therefore its value is instrumental.
4.3 The value of a designed product is determined by expectations as the behaviour of the product in the environment of its user. These expectations are used as conditions for the attainment of the users own rationally pursued and calculated ends.
4.4 When the condition matches the ends, the product is good and so is its design by extension. In other words, the quality of the product is measured by how well the desired result matches the reality of the intended function.
4.5 When the user fails to achieve their expectations as set by the design of a product, then the design of the product is bad.
5.1 Good is favourable to bad.
5.2 Good is attractive.
5.3 Good is commercially sound.
5.4 Good is pleasant.
5.5 Good is wholesome.
5.6 Good is clever.
5.7 Good is well founded.
5.8 Good is true.
5.9 Good is satisfactory.
5.10 Good is virtues.
5.11 Therefore good design needs to be all of the above.
6.1 Good design conforms to the moral order of the universe where it resides. Good design advances prosperity and well-being. Good design is useful or beneficial. If the design lack one of these things, then the design is flawed. If the design lacks most of these things, then it is bad.
6.2 Good design must possess all the qualities to achieve its end. Good design acts as proof that any other design is flawed. Good design is free from the constraints of time. Good design is forever good.
6.3 The design is bad when it fails to achieve an acceptable standard. The design is bad when the plan is unsound or unfavourable. Bad design is morally objectionable. If the design is harmful to anyone or anything, then it’s bad.
7.1 Good design never exceeds standards. Good design is never over excessive. The most satisfactory way between two points is a straight line. Any deviation from the line is excessive. Therefore attractive design avoids curves, bends, angles.
7.2 Good design is free from irregularities. Design set expectations and any expectation set by the design should be met by the design. Meeting expectations assures reliance. If the design inspired the user to frame an attitude towards the objects as reliable then the design is trustworthy.
7.3 Good design is always trustworthy.
7.4 Good design never deviates from its indicated pattern. It is free from extraneous matters. Good design only contains the bare minimum to obtain its desired goal. Good design is never ornamental beyond the functionality of a product. The designer who ornaments a product beyond necessity is not staying true to commercial soundness and is, therefore, a flawed designer.
8. Good design is free from emotion, desires and relies only on pure reason.
9. To have reason is to have a cause, explanation, or justification for framing the design.
9.1 If the cause, explanation or justification for the design are caused by fundamental truths then the design is logical.
9.2 The process of good design includes comprehending, inferring, or thinking especially in orderly rational ways.
9.3 If there is a reason to believe that the shaping of a thing in a certain way, will make some fact intelligible than this is the most logical path of action.
9.4 Good design is always logical.
10. If the design is good you need no other reason to execute it.